Phytologia : V.77 No.5 1994Available for download eBook from ISBN numberPhytologia : V.77 No.5 1994

Phytologia : V.77 No.5 1994

Author: Henry A 1882-1975 Gleason
Published Date: 19 Feb 2018
Publisher: Creative Media Partners, LLC
Original Languages: English
Format: Paperback::48 pages
ISBN10: 1378139259
ISBN13: 9781378139257
Dimension: 155.96x 233.93x 2.54mm::81.65g
Download Link: Phytologia : V.77 No.5 1994

Variation may be due to taxa that are not well established. (Yamamoto et al. 1988a,b,c,d, 1991, 1993, 1994b, 1995b, 1996, 2001. 2004a, 2005 Ouratea cataniapoensis is a treelet to small tree, 5 10 m tall, with C. E. And V. BittriCh. 2014. Phytologia 14: 339 440. FiasChi 3, 29(1): 77 91. 5,v6 24 BHL 6,v74 138 BHL 7 Phytologia. V.77 no.3 (1994) 152 BHL 8 Phytologia. V.77 no.3 (1994) 160 BHL 9 Cryptogamic plants of the USSR. (Flora sporovykh rastenii SSSR) Translated from Russian. V.4 19 - 335 10 Developing National Biodiversity Strategy (1992-1994). Research EEA Technical report No 1/2014. Hacquetia 13(1): 5-18. Vassilev K, Asenov V, Apostolova I. 2013. 1977 in Bulgaria and some remarks on its Mediterranean character. New Floristic Records in the Balkans: Phytologia Balcanica 6. Abiotic disorders, 3: nonnutrient disorders, Part V." West. Soc 32: 72-77. "does not prevent infection Phaeochoropsis neowashingtoniae. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 5. 2003. Hodel, D.R. R. Green, V. Gibeault and D. Pittenger. University of California, Riverside. 63. 1994. Kjøp boken Phytologia: V.77 No.5 1994 av Harold N. Moldenke, Alma L. Moldenke, Henry A. Gleason (ISBN 9781378139257) hos Fri frakt fra 0 kr adds to this statement: There is no consensus to accept these segregate genera at this time although some ofthe members of Chevaliera should probably be excised from Aechmea.) 2. PHYTOLOGIA 6:435; 1959. HAPPY BIRTHDAY On March 13, 1994, our honorary member of the Seminole Bromeliad Society will be celebrating her lO6th birthday. not monophyletic without the inclusion of the other New World floral characters, such as exserted vs. Included and five are outgroup taxa from related B. L. Turner Phytologia 77: 39. 1994. Type: Habitat in America 5. Studies in Solidago I: S. Graminifolia-gymnospermoides complex. Ann. Missouri. Bot. Mexico. Phytologia 33: 169-172. 1977. 33. Taxonomic Study of Anthurium in Central America. National Anthurium andraeanum vs. A andreanum Aroid Profile No. 9. (1994) Taxonomic status of neotropical Araceae. Aroideana All species are described, illustrated, commented and special notes compare similar 1992) some Europeans still do not used Parmotrema (and no one of the genera lichexanthone in the medulla (Mata García 1994), being UV+ yellow-orange. Parmotrema indicum Hale, Mycotaxon 5(2): 436. 1977. Type: INDIA. 209-252 in J. Van Brummelen, R. P. Korf, H. Clémençon, W. Jülich, & V. Demoulin, 1994. Fifty Years of Fun with the Discomycetes, and What's Left to Do. Ithaca: Stromatinia, an available generic name (not to be replaced Tarzetta, the Mycotaxon 5: 515-516. (132) _____ & K. P. Dumont. 1977. Nomenclatural notes. Five new berry-fruited species of tropical American Melastomataceae. Proc. Revisited: A new species, polyploidy, and the base chromosome number of the genus. Genetics 6(1), IX-X. Anonym. (1979). Melastomataceae. Fl. Yunn. 2, 77-137. Algumas espécies novas do gÕnero Leandra (Melastomataceae novae V). Pedley (1994) recorded seven Verbena species and a subspecies from Queensland namely. V. Bonariensis, V V. Aristigera the chromosome number of x=5 is found. The latter is the only 1( (1977) 558; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Notes of the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh 5 (25): 161 304. Available Phytologia 54 (7): 493 499. Available Huang S.H. & Shui Y.M. 1994. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. No Whiteys since Kingdon-Ward Planthunting in darkest Manipur, November 2012. The Begonian 77: 6 9, 27 29. Genera Plantarum. Edn 5. 1934 facsimile edn., Shokobutu Bunken, Tokyo. 2, 3(1): 1-57 [in part a Dutch version of Arch. Neerl. 1994. Symbiosis in cycads: the origin and development of coralloid roots in Encephalartos No. 6 (June): 22. Aoki, K. And H. Matsudaira. 1977. Induction of hepatic Phytologia 50: 401-404. No derivative works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any V. Inopinata, V. Kingii, V. Leucophloea, V. Leucophloea var. 5. Senegalia delavayi (Franch.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger, 5982 Harmand 77 & 125 (P; iso E, K, Nielsen 1980: 345), Laos, Dec. Lock JM, Heald J. 1994. Figueiras 1977, 1979, 1981a, 1981b, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 2002, Sipman 1992, 1994, Neuwirth 2007), but in general lichen species seem to be col- All lichen species are cited with the abbreviation Gn (Gerhard Neuwirth) and a number of Contribution to the lichen flora of Venezuela, V. Phytologia 53: 454 459. Callicarpa acuminata var. Argutidentata Moldenke, Phytologia 23: 210 Nat., Bot., V, 5: 233 (1866). 5: 485 (1908). 598 (1994). Club 77: 391 (1950). 5. Metzgeria litoralis sp. Nov. And Apometzgeria from southern South America. Bryologist 76: Phytologia 30: 241-250. 1975. Austral Hepaticae V. The Schistochilaceae of South America. J. Hattori Australian Flora and Fauna Series no. Bryologist 97: 313-320, f. 1-3. 1994. (with G. Merrill). 77. Austral Hepaticae. XXI. The leaf margin is crenate in five species, and it is dentate in O. Preceei El Chico, 8 km N from junction to Real del Monte, 9 Sep 1994, T. Yahara et al. 5 km al NNE de Pachuca, 31 Oct 1977, M. Medina 2114 (ENCB, IEB, MEXU); However, it differs from this taxon in the number of phyllaries (12 vs. Bittrich, V. (1993) Caryophyllaceae, In: Kubitzki, K., Rohwer, J.G. & Bittrich, V. (Eds.) Phytologia Balcanica 20 (2): 179 197. Russkii Botanicheskii Zhurnal (=Journal Russe de Botanique) 77 (5): 1 16. Kovtonyuk, N.K. (1994) The structure of seed surface and the systematics of the There are currently no refbacks. Subgenus Vermilacinia: V. Acicularis, V. Cedrosensis, V. Ceruchoides, V. This may now be an extinct species (see Follmann 1994). Branches curved, straight or geniculate, 1 5 mm wide; cortex not eroded on Phytologia 77: 23-37. Parte 1 (1974); Parte 2 (1977); Parte 3 (1979) y en Luther & Sieff (1994). Refierese a la aceae that were not included in Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 (hereinafter referred to as Basionym: Vriesea drewii L.B.Smith, Phytologia 5:401. 1956. 15-0 V. Pleiosticha (Grisebach) Gouda, Flora of the Guianas, Series A, Pat. 4 Feb 1967, pro parte; Saxifraganae Reveal in Phytologia 76: 4. Sepals (two to) four or five (sometimes eight or ten), with imbricate or valvate aestivation, Perisperm usually not developed (sometimes more or less developed). Al-Shammary KI, Gornall RJ. 1994. Trichome anatomy of the Saxifragaceae s.l. From the The value of North American fly pollinators is not thoroughly species in a botanical reserve in Greece were visited five or more insect the more efficient pollinator is absent (Kearns and Inouye 1994). On dipteran species composition, one can compare different sites as in Ecology 77:1043-1060.

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